
7 Amazing Healthy Benefits Of Biotin (Vitamin B7)

7 Amazing Healthy Benefits Of Biotin (Vitamin B7)

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin, and there are many other names for biotin such as vitamin B7, vitamin H, coenzyme R, and D-Biotin, etc. It is present in small amounts in many foods such as eggs, bananas, and milk. It is an essential component of enzymes that are present in the body and cause the breakdown of many substances in the body such as carbs, fats, and protein. So we can say that biotin is essential for metabolism. There are other benefits of biotin that we will cover further in this article.

You will find that biotin is most famous for its benefits related to hair, skin, and nails. This natural supplement is the leading ingredient in natural hair and skin care products. Let’s take a more in-depth look at this beautiful vitamin!

What are the symptoms of a Biotin deficiency?

A biotin deficiency is rare, but if you have a low biotin level you may feel the following symptoms:

  • Neurologic symptoms such as depression etc.
  • Memory problems
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pain and cramps
  • Seizures
  • Hair loss
  • Scaly rash around the eyes, face, and genital areas

If you observe any symptoms, then consult a doctor. There are several reasons which reduce the biotin level and can cause the deficiency. The most common reasons are gastric issues, taking some medicine for too long, the use of antibiotics, smoking, or malnutrition.

Suggested daily dosage

Usually, the biotin requirement varies for different age groups for children is 8-12 micrograms per day while for adults, it is 30 micrograms per day. Biotin helps to maintain healthy hair, and nails and prevent them from being brittle and dull.

Which foods contain biotin?

Biotin is present in a wide range of foods, which is why its deficiency is not shared. Some of the foods enriched with biotin are:

  • Nuts and peanut butter
  • Mushrooms
  • Green leafy veggies
  • Cheese
  • Pulses
  • Yeast
  • Organ meat
  • Cauliflower

The bacteria present in our gut also produce some amount of biotin, but if we are unable to fulfill the biotin requirement, then supplements are available to overcome the deficiency.

7 Amazing biotin health benefits

Biotin plays an essential role in the body and has many health benefits, such as:

1. Improves hair growth and health

Biotin is added to hair growth supplements that nourish the thin hair and promote hair growth. If your hairs are getting thin day by day or started to discolor then, this may be a symptom of biotin deficiency. Our hair, skin, and nails are made up of keratin protein, which is regulated by biotin because it improves the body biotin’s infrastructure. Taking biotin-rich supplements and foods helps in improving hair thickness, but it only happens if the thinning of hair is due to a deficiency of biotin. You will also find a shampoo that includes this beautiful vitamin and collagen.

Biotin fights hair loss

Hair loss can be due to various conditions such as genetic factors, some deficiency, or using the wrong shampoo. So if your hair is becoming thin gradually along with a change in texture, you must consult the doctor to identify the root cause. If tests show biotin deficiency, the doctor will recommend you some supplements along with biotin-enriched food. This will overcome the deficiency that speeds up hair growth and help people suffering from hair loss.

Studies have shown that biotin increases hair growth and helps fight baldness in both males and females. It allows men and women to regain hair, but it does not affect male pattern baldness. It is usually recommended when a person is suffering from hair loss issues as it stops hair fall, but it doesn’t reverse the male pattern baldness.

2. Help to grow stronger, shinier nails

Weak and brittle nails are problematic, and they don’t look right. According to studies, brittle nails may occur due to biotin deficiency. Biotin supplement helps to strengthen the nails and improves their quality while providing durable and shiny nails. It helps in keratin building, which is vital for skin, nails, and hair.

3. Improves body metabolism

Biotin is a vitamin that acts as a regulator of enzymes in many biochemical reactions. It helps the body to get energy by regulating the metabolism of protein, fat, and carbs. Biotin plays a significant role in these processes.

  • It helps in gluconeogenesis, which is a metabolic pathway that produces glucose from protein, not from carbohydrates or fats. Biotin-containing enzymes regulate this process.
  • It is an important coenzyme that helps in fatty acid synthesis.
  • It is also important for the metabolism of many amino acids, such as leucine.

In general, biotin is important for energy synthesis in the body by regulating various metabolic pathways.

4. Good for diabetics

As biotin regulates metabolic pathways, it is very effective for people with diabetes because diabetes is a metabolic disease that occurs due to reduced insulin activity. Due to the impairment of insulin, functioning blood sugar levels increase, which is not good for the body. Biotin supplements are high for diabetic people because they help to reduce blood sugar levels. Chromium and biotin supplements work together to lower blood sugar levels.

5. Contains anti-aging properties for skin

Biotin plays an important role in having healthy, youthful skin. If you are getting scaly or red rashes on your skin, this might be the symptom of a biotin deficiency. Sometimes its deficiency can be related to dermatitis and eczema. Biotin improves the quality of the skin by collagen synthesis and fat metabolism which helps you achieve glowing, firm, and young-looking skin.

6. Helps with autoimmune diseases

It is beneficial for autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. In this disease, the protective sheath of nerve fibers is damaged or destroyed, which is very important for nervous coordination. Biotin is an essential factor because it helps in myelin regeneration and synthesis. It helps to protect the central nervous system.

7. Important during pregnancy and lactation

Biotin is an essential vitamin required in significant amounts during pregnancy and lactation. Typically, it can be obtained from foods, but the supplements are usually suggested for pregnant and lactating females. Women who take this supplement show improvements in their overall health.

All-natural biotin supplements

Biotin is an essential vitamin that is very good for the health of the skin, nails, and hair. Its deficiency is not good and may cause several health issues, but taking biotin reduces the symptoms along with improving overall health.

In the case of severe biotin deficiencies, biotin supplements are advised by doctors to fulfill the body requirement. Usually, people take their biotin from foods and gastrointestinal bacteria. Doctors recommend biotin supplements to pregnant and lactating mothers because they need more biotin as compared to the average adult. The AgelessHAIR all-natural supplement includes 5,000 mcg of biotin and is combined with other ingredients to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Foods High In Biotin & How Much You Need

Foods High In Biotin & How Much You Need


Biotin, a vitamin found in many foods that we eat offers a wide range of benefits when taken in supplement form in the body.

Known as Vitamin H, it is part of the B Complex vitamin family.  It helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates and fats.  It is one of those vitamins that is hard to be deficient of unless a person is a heavy smoker, drinker or if a person eats lots of processed food, has a compromised liver, or is pregnant.

Long since touted as the go-to vitamin for those who want beautiful hair, skin, and nails it can lower cholesterol within the body as well as regulate blood sugars in the body.

What Foods Have Biotin?

Selecting a whole foods diet that is diet promoting foods eaten as close to their natural state, it ensures that all vitamins and minerals are plentiful in the body.  This will increase the overall health and wellness of a person’s body naturally if there happens to be a deficiency of biotin or any other vitamin.

These foods are just some of the healthy choices a person can make when hoping to increase the Biotin in their bodies.

  • Sweet potato
  • Eggs
  • Almonds
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Oats
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Bananas
  • Carrots
  • Walnuts

For those individuals who still may be concerned about getting enough of this vitamin in their bodies, possibly their diet is lacking, they have a health condition or take medication that affects the liver then supplementation may be necessary.

How Much Biotin Should I Take?

While consulting with a health care provider before deciding to take this vitamin due to health issues that may factor into this, here are some general guidelines to follow when deciding to take a supplement of Biotin.

Suggested Dosage For Adults

For adults, both male and female over 19 years of age, up to 30 mcg per day is a safe amount that can be taken in vitamin form. For pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, no more than 30 mcg per day is also safe.  For the elderly, consulting a physician is always essential since other medications may interact.

Suggested Dosage For Children

  • Under 6 months 5 mcg daily maximum
  • 7-12 months of age 6 mcg daily maximum
  • 1-3 years of age 8 mcg daily maximum
  • 4-8 years of age 12 mcg daily maximum
  • 9-13 years of age 20 mcg daily maximum
  • 14-18 years of age 25 mcg daily maximum

While these are guidelines, consultation with a trained professional should be considered for the best possible outcome and overall health of the body since there are many factors that play into deficiencies within the body.

Supplementing with the vitamin is safe, and no known dosage will cause side effects, or what kind of side effects. Unless a doctor states otherwise, as with any supplement, starting low and taking it slow is the best method to take to ensure the body’s overall health. You can read more here.

All-Natural Supplements

Biotin is an essential vitamin that is very good for the health of the skin, nails, and hair. Its deficiency is not good and may cause several health issues, but taking biotin reduces the symptoms along with improving overall health. You can find all-natural biotin-formulated supplements such as AgelessHAIR – All Natural Hair, Skin, and Nails.

Natural Calming Benefits of Magnesium and GABA

Natural Calming Benefits of Magnesium and GABA


Having trouble with anxiety and difficulty sleeping can ruin your life. Especially if you have both of those issues in your life. It often happens that one causes the other and vice versa. Being able to stay calm and receive a good night’s sleep is probably among the most important things you can do for a healthy lifestyle, along with proper diet and exercise. And it seems like many people are not able to achieve those, because they lack specific minerals in their chemical composition. You might find it weird, but a lack of magnesium in your system can be a catalyst for those problems.

About magnesium and its benefits

Magnesium has a wide range of functions that are responsible for your well-being; one of them is the ability to relax your muscles and keep good blood flood in your body. If those functions are in any way impaired, it can cause a range of complications, including anxiety and insomnia. It has been known for a while now that the majority of people do not receive their required dose of magnesium, due to the dietary changes in our lives. This may be one of the many reasons that have caused the rise of anxiety-related issues in our society.

Magnesium is a crucial component for several metabolic activities in the body; it is still a significant nutritional deficiency. Sleep deprivation or insomnia and anxiety are common in the world today and has led researchers to look for ways to handle these problems. It was discovered that people suffering from sleep deprivation and anxiety were found to lack magnesium in their system. Over the past 50 years, the amount of magnesium ingested has reduced while the number of anxiety cases has increased. As a result of such findings, it is, therefore, logical to assume that an increased intake of magnesium may be the answer to sleep and anxiety issues.  

Researchers have even proven the relationship between magnesium deficiency and anxiety. By depriving laboratory animals of magnesium, it was noted that the animals were anxious. Now, there are other means of treating sleep and anxiety, but magnesium is probably the best and most important. It has been described as a miracle sleep drug, thus making studying it effects all the more worthwhile.

What is GABA, and how does it support the brain?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (in short GABA) is a main inhibitory neurotransmitter in your nervous system. What it means in simple terms, is that GABA regulates your brain activity. The levels of GABA will influence your ability to calm down, to stop overthinking, to slow down, and manage your excitement level. The impairment of GABA’s function and subsequently, its inability to control all the above-mentioned functions is one of the significant causes of anxiety and insomnia. Because GABA is not able to regulate your brain activity, your brain remains in the constant active face. You will still get tired and even exhausted, but again, you have anxiety and trouble sleeping. Keeping your magnesium level adequate will ensure proper functionality of GABA, and it helps you restore the balance in your life.

This is a beneficial effect; once the brain is relaxed, sleep and anxiety can no longer be an issue, without extra brain activities, the individual will likely fall asleep. Magnesium achieves this feat by binding itself to the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors of the brain. GABA is one of the critical regulatory neurotransmitters; it can put a halt to brain activity. Low concentrations of GABA is associated with some neural disorders such as panic attacks. 

Magnesium for sleep and anxiety

When you are stressed, your body reacts accordingly by releasing stress hormones. It is pretty simple and straightforward. However, the problem starts when your body is unable to control and gradually gets rid of those hormones. They begin attacking and wearing out your levels of magnesium. Causing the problems, associated with a lack of magnesium in your system, which include: anxiety, panic attacks, irritable bowel, and insomnia. The solution to this is keeping the levels of magnesium at an adequate level.

This amazing nutrient:

Has anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammations can occur anywhere in the body, and the brain is no exception. Anxiety has been linked with brain inflation, and thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, adequate levels of magnesium prevent such conditions from occurring.  

Boosts brain plasticity

The brain, much like the rest of the body, is self-healing. This is achieved by creating new cells to replace old and damaged ones. However, this ability may be impaired, and this can lead to anxiety and sleep deprivation. Magnesium is one of the few drugs known to neuroplasticity. The higher the magnesium content of the body, the higher the level of plasticity of the brain. 

Help keep sugar levels in check

Having stable blood sugar levels is a must for a healthy brain. Glucose is the primary fuel for your mind, and a steady supply of glucose is essential for the brain to function correctly. If the brain doesn’t receive enough glucose, the blood sugar level drops, which triggers the release of cortisol and epinephrine from the adrenal glands. As a result, the stored sugar in the body is released to stabilize the blood sugar levels. 

Reduces stress hormones.

Magnesium regulates the release of stress hormones and serves as a filter to prevent them from entering the brain. Hormones like cortisol, are high in stress patients. Excess cortisol contributes to anxiety, depression, memory loss, brain fog, and mental disorders of all kinds.  

Magnesium-rich foods and vitamins

If you are in a period of your life, where you are often under stress, be sure to remember this and receive enough magnesium. There are supplements available for this, but you can also obtain it through consuming individual dishes, this includes:

  • Whole grains
  • Fish
  • Spinach and greens
  • Quinoa
  • Almonds, cashews, and peanuts
  • Dark chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Black beans
  • Edamame

All of those have a wide range of health benefits that don’t limit themselves to magnesium, so having them in your diet will result in an improved lifestyle. AgelessSERENITY is made right here in the USA and includes a 60-day money-back guarantee, so we know you will be happy!

10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric & Curcumin

10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric & Curcumin

Turmeric is a lot more than just a little spice – it has numerous health benefits, too. We here at Ageless Nutrition put together a list of 10 proven health benefits of Turmeric just for you!

1. Turmeric is a source of Curcumin

Curcumin is the yellow pigment contained within the spice which soothes the oxidative processes of the body. Oxidation describes the body’s ability to fight back against free radicals, which can be negatively impacted if we don’t get enough of particular anti-oxidants. When this happens we call it oxidative stress (Healthline) and it can cause diseases if we are exposed to it frequently.

2. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties

It’s that Curcumin again! It has anti-inflammatory properties which help to soothe swelling. BBC Good Food suggests this is because curcumin slows down the inflammatory pathways, but speculates that more research needs to be done on the “why” it works.

3. Turmeric keeps your brain healthy

Another compound found inside this ground-up spice is Tumerone, which studies have shown to speed up the processing of neural stem cells within the brain. In an article by the NHS, this experiment was performed on rats, so more testing is needed to confirm the correlation between Turmerone and brain health in humans.

4. Turmeric can be used as a salt substitute

When it comes to flavoring food that is where many of us fall into the trap of over-seasoning. Perhaps not because of flavoring but because we are trying to cover the blandness of the food. Next time you find yourself reaching for the salt try adding a pinch of turmeric instead and spice up your meal with a healthy alternative.

5. Turmeric helps strengthen your heart

That bio-active ingredient curcumin contains polyphenols which are responsible for the anti-inflammatory goodness found in turmeric. According to WebMD previous studies have shown that these qualities found in this spice are powerful heart strengtheners and can even prevent heart failure… so if you have a heart condition turmeric may be exactly what you need to stay healthy.

6. Turmeric can help treat certain cancers

Cancer is caused by the overproduction of cells within the body. These cells do not know they are unhealthy and continue to grow rapidly. In some specific cancers, the curcumin found in turmeric has been shown to affect the growth, speed, and development at which these cells appear. Cancer Research UK has all of the details.

7. Turmeric helps fight against Alzheimer’s Disease

Those neuro-protective properties we mentioned earlier are specifically good at minimizing and/or slowing down the progress of this degenerative brain condition. The Alzheimer’s Society has concluded that curcumin is an important ingredient for future studies into treating the disease.

8. Turmeric minimizes arthritis pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can help with a whole range of conditions; from settling an upset stomach to helping your heart stay healthy. One area where doctors report a positive impact of turmeric supplements is in the treatment of osteoarthritis. suggests it is a key component in reducing swelling, pain, and inflammation that this particular disease causes.

9. Turmeric has anti-aging properties

Of course, we love the anti-aging properties of turmeric. This works because curcumin lessens the effects of oxidative stress on the internal organs by soothing them. This minimizes pain and swelling on the inside, which keeps you looking youthful on the outside!

10. Turmeric can help battle depression

Top of our list is depression – the silent killer. We turned to Psychiatry Advisor to ask the experts what they thought on the use of Turmeric to treat depression and they reported that this seemingly innocent little spice shows promise in future medication development.

So as you can see, Turmeric is more than just a tasty way to stay healthy and should be an essential part of all our diets! This wonderful spice and turmeric supplement can improve your life in many ways, and we are happy to help!

Horsetail Extract: How It Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

Horsetail Extract: How It Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

Horsetail is an ancient plant with the scientific name Equisetum arvense, characterized by hollow stems. It has been used as an herbal therapeutic since ancient times. Horsetail is a type of fern and resembles the tail of a horse, hence the name it was given. The extract taken from the plants has a strong antioxidant with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory potential that can be used as natural medicine. The benefits of horsetail extract are:

  • It can be applied directly to the skin for treating wounds. People used to apply the horsetail paste over the wound area or make tea to apply over the injured area. Leaving this at the site of the wound assists in a quick recovery and prevents infection due to its beneficial phytochemicals.
  • It is a great natural remedy for treating issues such as kidney and bladder stones, and urinary tract infections while improving overall health. Horsetail extract can also reduce the water retention in the body which normally causes oedema.
  • It contains many useful components such as silica and potassium which help in regenerating body tissue along with collagen synthesis. Due to collagen formation, the quality of the skin, hair, and nails improves. Horsetail promotes glowing skin, shiny hair, and beautiful nails.
  • Due to its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential, horsetail can reduce muscle and joint pain while reducing the symptoms of inflammatory diseases.

Does it promote hair growth?

If your hair is thinning day by day, this could be a result of having a mineral deficiency. In this case, horsetail extract works miraculously as a natural treatment for hair growth. It is best for hair growth because it has a great number of vitamins and minerals that assist in healthy growth. One mineral that is found within this herb is silica which promotes healthy hair. Silica also improves nail growth and bone density. It helps in strengthening the hair strands which not only improves the hair growth but also provides shine and texture.

Sometimes selenium deficiency may occur which causes hair loss, but horsetail extract contains selenium which promotes hair growth if taken on a daily basis. The antioxidant potential of this herb prevents aging due to metabolic stress. The other constituents are saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and salts that help to bring balance to your body.

How to take horsetail supplements for hair growth?

Horsetail supplements are great for achieving the thick and healthy hair you’ve always wanted. It is available in many forms such as a pill, capsule, and liquid extract. The safe dose is about 300mg and should to be consumed three times a day.

Taking horsetail extract in the form of a pill or capsule is easy because it doesn’t need preparation or application time such as oils. The oil can be applied directly to the scalp because it is safe and doesn’t cause itching or burning sensation on the skin. This increases the direct absorption of extract in the skin and promotes hair growth. The other method of taking horsetail extract is to use it in the form of infusion or tea, which provides less amount of extract as compared to the oral method.

These days there are many oral supplements in the market that not only contain horsetail extract but also other vitamins and minerals to provide an all-in-one solution for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Our product AgelessHAIR is an all-natural product that is made right here in the USA. We have created a unique formula that includes premium ingredients to provide you with the best results. We are so confident in our product that we offer a 60-day, money-back guarantee.

It is a safe and natural way to promote hair growth without any side effects. But as always, please make sure to consult with your doctor before taking another supplement.

5 Benefits of Horsetail Extract – Skin, Hair, & More

5 Benefits of Horsetail Extract – Skin, Hair, & More

What Is Horsetail?

Horsetail is the name of the plant, which is native to Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East and it grows in swampy places. The other name for horsetail is Equisetum arvense. The name horsetail is given to it because it resembles the tail of the horse. It is thin, green grass-like with no leaves and flowers on it. It can also be grown as a pond plant and can grow up to 3 feet tall. This plant is not commonly cultivated, but due to its medicinal importance, it can be found in some herbal stores.

This plant can do wonders for human health, and the leafy part of horsetail has been used as an herbal medicine for centuries. This contains many phytochemicals such as saponins, tannins, phenols, and antioxidant flavonoids that provide its medicinal properties. It is a rich source of potassium and can be used by people having a potassium deficiency.

The extract can be obtained from various methods such as distillation etc. The green part of the plant is used for the extraction of phytochemicals. The extract from the horsetail plant seems to be very useful. The horsetail extract also contains silica which is very useful for hair, skin, and nails. There are many health benefits of this extract which are as follows:

1. The best natural supplement for hair growth

Horsetail has been used as a hair growth supplement for many years. The supplement can be used in various ways because it is available in many forms such as a pill or oil. This extract not only enhances hair growth but also strengthens the hair and improves the quality of hair. People who use horsetail extract on a regular basis get incredible results in the form of thick and shiny hair. It also helps in increasing the length of hair. You will find horsetail extract along with biotin and other active ingredients in AgelessHAIR to enhance the quality and growth of hair.

2. Strengthen nails and keep skin young

Shiny nails and young and firm skin are the epitome of beauty, and people spend a lot of money to enhance their beauty. Many products that claim to be effective are just a loss of money, but horsetail extract is very effective for hair, nails, and skin. It contains silica, which is very good for keeping nails and skin healthy. It is a good natural moisturizer that helps to smoothen the skin and makes the skin plumper and strong. It is also effective in getting rid of wrinkles, through collagen synthesis which is an important protein for nails, skin, and hair.

3. Natural wound healer

It is traditionally used for healing wounds and effective agent to stop bleeding. Romans used the horsetail for curing wounds and injuries during ancient times. When it is applied directly to the skin, horsetail extract can soothe wounds and burns. It is a natural painkiller and reduces the pain. This plant has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential that makes it best for wounds and their healing. For wounds, horsetail extract or tea is applied on a washcloth which is then put on the wound place for 10 to 30 minutes; this will not only quicken the recovery but also reduce the pain.

Horsetail as food:

Horsetail is not just limited to herbal or medicinal use. Romans used to eat this because of its great immunogenic properties. The alkaloids and flavonoids provide this plant with beneficial properties and when consumed as food improve overall health. It helps to boost immunity and fight inflammation.

4. Improves urination and kidney issues

Horsetail is used for fluid retention (edema), and to remove kidney and bladder stones. It also helps to ward off urinary tract infections which promotes kidney and bladder health. Taking horsetail extract tea is effective for kidney stones, and daily taking removes stones along with improving uterine infections.

5. Assists in the treatment of other conditions

The phytochemicals help the person fight diseases and infections. It can be used to treat tuberculosis, joint diseases, and frostbite along with strengthening immunity and bones.

Take away

These are not all health benefits, it has other uses as well. Although it is safe and doesn’t carry any side effects, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. This contains nicotine that’s why it is not good for smokers. Few people are allergic to herbs, so they should take horsetail extract after consulting a doctor.