Does Zinc Provide Testosterone Benefits?

Zinc is a mineral element that is found abundantly on the Earth, and it has been proven to provide health benefits. It is also present in vegetables, fruits, seafood, meat, etc. Zinc plays any role in the body, such as cell division, enzyme activity, wound healing, and immunity, and produces testosterone in men. Our body requires zinc for various functions, and it can be obtained from foods, in some cases, it cannot be got according to body requirements that may cause specific health issues. In men, zinc deficiency decreases the production of testosterone, which may cause the following:
- Loss of libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Infertility
- Weight gain
- Urination problems
- Muscular weakness
- Weak bones
- Fatigue
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a male hormone that helps men to increase muscle mass, stamina, and denser bones, and to maintain sexual activity. Men who are above 30 years of age, start losing testosterone levels due to many reasons. One can quickly notice that T levels are declining from symptoms such as low libido, memory loss, and depression.
The link between zinc and testosterone
There is a strong connection between testosterone and zinc levels as proved by several studies. Men having zinc deficiency usually have low testosterone levels, which shows their interconnection. Now the question is whether zinc supplements are effective or not for testosterone. According to research, men who took zinc supplements doubled their testosterone levels, so zinc is indeed the best supplement to boost testosterone levels. Zinc deficiency may lead to low libido and erectile dysfunction due to low testosterone levels, but with the zinc supplement, that deficiency can be fulfilled and provides increased desire and extreme pleasure.
Reasons for zinc deficiency
There are many reasons for zinc deficiency, but here are the significant risks for the deficiency:
- Eating disorders
- The gastrointestinal disorders
- Low protein diet
- High-intensity interval training
Other reasons for deficiency are high alcohol consumption, drug intake, etc. Some medicines cause a reduction in zinc levels. These include hypertensive medication, medicine for heart diseases, and stomach ulcers. These all factors contribute to the deficiency of zinc, which causes a reduction in testosterone levels and ultimately erectile dysfunction and low libido.
How to overcome a zinc deficiency
As it is already discussed, the importance of zinc and the roles that it plays in the body, here are the things that you can do to overcome zinc deficiency. The best way to overcome the lack of zinc is to get over it from food. The foods that provide us with enough zinc are fortified cereals, crab, wheat germ, kidney beans, chickpeas, peanuts, cashews, and chicken. If you are unable to fulfill the zinc from food, then there are supplements available that can overcome the deficiency. Zinc picolinate, zinc chelate, zinc acetate, zinc sulfate, and zinc gluconate are a few zinc supplements that provide your body with enough zinc and increase its absorption capacity in the body.
This supplement is also available with different brand names, but we have the best product It is a natural supplement and will boost your testosterone level in no time. It is not a steroidal product, but it is composed of natural oils and extracts that produce excellent results by increasing testosterone levels. AgelessTEST not only helps to boost testosterone levels, but it also reverses the aging that invites other health issues as well. You can order this product here.
What is the suggested dosage for zinc?
If zinc is taken from food, that is safe and has no side effects because foods contain a limited amount of this metal. In supplements, there is a significant amount of zinc, which is taken daily and may cause some symptoms. The daily zinc consumption or its safe dose is about 40mg/day. If you take too much of it, the following conditions may occur:
- Nausea
- Stomach cramps
- Diarrhea
- Headaches
- Vomiting
If you are unable to get stabilized, then seek medical advice. Its high level in blood can interact with other medicines as well, so men should not take more than 40mg per day without a doctor’s prescription.
All-natural supplements
Zinc is a testosterone booster and triggers its production in the body. Always keep a well-balanced diet while taking in your daily limits of zinc to make sure your testosterone levels stay healthy. If you’re losing stamina or sex drive, consult a doctor to get T levels, and zinc levels checked before taking any supplements.
History of zinc
Like many common metals, zinc – represented on the periodic table with the symbol Zn and the atomic number 30 – has seen centuries of widespread use. It was not until relatively recently, however, that it was identified as a separate element.
For a good part of history, zinc’s primary use was in brass, an alloy consisting of copper and zinc. Brass, of course, may not have been as widely used as bronze (which, as you may well know, defined an entire age); but it was a fairly common commodity among early civilizations, with archaeologists having uncovered specimens of brass work dating back thousands of years.
And for the greater part of history, zinc main (and often only) use was as part of brass. Zinc-smelting machines found in Zawar indicate that it was not until the 13th century, in India, that zinc was isolated as a separate element – and it was not until several centuries later, thanks to experimentation by 18th-century German chemist Andreas S. Marggraf, that this process would be discovered in Europe.
Once it was, however, zinc quickly took place in the international market. In terms of mining locations, zinc, like many metals, is relatively widespread, being found in over 50 countries. The two most noted and productive zinc mines in the world are Rampura Agucha in India and the Red Dog mine in Alaska; but besides these nations, China, Peru, Canada, and Australia are also significant producers of metallic zinc. All in all, worldwide production of zinc is estimated at around 11 million tonnes per year.
Once gathered from the ground, zinc is heated at a temperature of around 950 degrees Celsius, which causes it to oxidize. From here, it is reduced to powder form, neutralized, and taken to a facility where it can be made into health supplements.